Baseline climate means from stations all over the world in German. The city was established in by the Portuguese and soon supplanted Sofala as the main port in the Portuguese-administered territory. Beira is the fourth largest city in Mozambique.

Campolim Procura Beira Casada

Beira Mozambique

Retrieved June 18, The name also is contained in the name of many small towns and villages in the area, e. Archived from the original on June 22, This article does not cite any sources. With the growth of the village, in the Portuguese Crown elevated Beira to the status of city cidade. This page was last edited on 2 Octoberat World Meteorological Organization [7].

Beira Casada Procura

Beira (Portugal) - Wikipedia

Views Read Edit View history. Beirada was originally developed by the Portuguese Mozambique Company in the 19th century, and directly developed by the Portuguese colonial government from until Mozambique gained its independence from Portugal in The most important cities within the borders of the traditional province are: Beira is twinned with:.

Podes Procura Beira Casada

Beira, Mozambique - Wikipedia

Since the Middle Ages [ when? Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Inthe construction of a new railway station was completed. Articles lacking sources from December All articles lacking sources All articles with vague or ambiguous time Vague or ambiguous time from January Portugal articles missing geocoordinate data All articles needing coordinates. The current Eixo Region of Portugal covers roughly the same area. During the campaign for the local elections inwhich culminated in the victory of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique MDM in the municipality, the Munhava district was the scene of violent clashes between police and supporters of the MDM. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Grávidas Procura Beira Casada


This article needs additional citations for verification. Beira features a tropical savanna climate Köppen Aw. Inthe construction of a new railway station was completed. The Mozambique flood devastated Beira and the surrounding region, leaving millions homeless and severely damaging the localista economy. Beira has long been a major trade point for exports coming in and out of Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia and other Southern African nations.

Fresc Beira Casada Procura Jandira Procura Beira Casada

Garantida Passivos

A large English-speaking population was the result of being a favourite holiday destination for white Rhodesians. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Retrieved July 17, This page was last edited on 2 October , at Archived from the originário on April 9,

Beira Casada Procura


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