The collection of classical archaeology of the National Museum added up to around pieces and consists mostly of GreekRomanEtruscanand Italiote objects, being the largest collection of its kind in Latin America. Travassos ordered the slaves accompanying him to dive. In the days following the fire, firefighters recovered several portraits from the upper floor of the museum, which had been burnt, smoke and water damaged but not destroyed. Consultado em 19 de outubro de Show all 58 episodes. Archived from the originário on 11 February

Anos Bruna Sapequinha 23 Outros Sapequinha Anos Bruna 23

Consultado em 27 de junho de In the area of education, the museum offers specializationsextension and post-graduation courses in several fields of the knowledge, in addition to hosting temporary and permanent exhibitions and educational activities open to the general public. Formed along more than two centuries through expeditions, excavations, acquisitions, donations and exchanges, the collection was subdivided into seven main nuclei: Este indulto reduciría la sanción a un total de 13 años. Among the human examples, the highlight is a mummy of a woman from the Roman Periodwhich is considered extremely rare for the preparatory technique used, of which there are only eight similar examples worldwide. In turn, Ferdinand II of the Two Siciliesbrother of empress Teresa Cristina, had ordered the excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii, initiated in the 18th century, be resumed.

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Consultado em 23 de julho de Em , fora convidada pelo autor Manoel Carlos para viver a tradicional personagem Helena , na segunda fase da novela Em Família. Consultado em 15 de abril de Iniciou sua carreira, ainda benefício pequena, fazendo comerciais e vídeos com a apresentadora Xuxa. Herself - Audience Member uncredited. Retrieved 9 February The items include many indigenous peoples' remains as well as relics amassed in the personal collection of Pedro II.

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